Seven tips to start a new endeavor – keys to achieve your Goals in life.


“You will more disappointed by the things you didn’t do that by the one you did.So,throw off the bowlines.Sail away from the safe harbor.Catch the trade winds in your sails,Dream, Discover” .

Mark Twain

The dictionary meaning of “Goal” is the desire outcome or ultimate thing that you want achieve in your life. There may be short term goal or long term goal. You may have or set goals in different spheres and dimensions of life. (You may like ( You may like Importance of Goal and Motivation in life – The secret key to success) For example your physical goal is to have good health and smart look or spiritual goal is to uplift yourself and people around you.
Why to have goal in life..?
Goal and vision are essential in our life because many times we drive our energy and momentum from these goals.

  • First and foremost thing in achieving the goal of life is your clarity of vision. i.e what you want in your life. (you may like life lessons from Guided missile.)
  • You must have a sound strategy to achieve your target
  • Do in-depth research and analysis regarding your vision and must have sound and strong modus operandi to hit the target

The biggest risk in persons life is person not taking the risk” – unknown

  1. Patience, perseverance and persistence is an essential and  indespensable part of any success programme.(You may like Patience- The Perfect characteristic of the winner  )
  2. Consult expert or consultant in your field.As one of greatest philosopher said “learn from expert” because “success leaves a trail, success leaves a trag” follow the success recipe.(you may like Role of Mentor in achieving Goal of life.
  3. Visualization, affirmation and autosuggestions play a good role in achieving your goals of life. These tools help you to train your subconscious mind. (You may like Principles and practice of optimistic and creative thinking – understanding the power of consciousness and subconscious mind)
  4. Last but not least and most crucial in achieving your Goals of life is hard work, smart strategy and focussing and channelize your energy in the right place and right direction. Do your best, give your 💯 per cent and leave everything to time and cosmic consciousness.

“People keep on blaming their circumstances for what they are! I don’t believe in circumstances! I believe that the people who get on this world…. Are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want….and if they don’t find them,make them !”

George Bernard Shaw

This is my opinion and thinking about the Goal. Tell me about your opinion and thinking in comment box..? Thanks for reading and sparing your precious time and by for now.

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Published by Dr. Prakash ✍

"Once you realize that all life experiences are meant for the evolution of your consciousness, then all the ups and downs of life can be seen as blessings." - Unknown Hi, I am Dr Prakash, Researcher/Mentor/Doctor/Medical Teacher/Professional writer/ Public health expert and Presently working as faculty at B.J. Medical college, civil hospital, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India as a lecturer in Public health. (Ex. Assistant Professor, Government medical college, Surat.Ex.Insurance medical officer, Halol.Ex.Medical officer, PHC vadgam, Cambay. Dear friends, a warm welcome to my blogging site. My write up, article, case studies, thoughts of the day, Personel and Professional experience blends of Inspiration, Motivation, Education, self-help, philosophy, spirituality, Human Resource Management and Behaviour science with the insight of the eastern world of wisdom with latest updates from western science. You are invited to have a look at my various articles and post. THANK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY. Dr Prakash ❤️

13 thoughts on “Seven tips to start a new endeavor – keys to achieve your Goals in life.

  1. Goals are more like alignment and intention for me, to go in the direction of my vision. I rely on a lot of divine guidance along with dedication and having a skilled teacher. Good post with valuable pointers.

    Liked by 1 person

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