Nine tips to develop strong willpower and determination for a successful life.

#will power, #determination, #focus

“Where there is a will, there is a way. Perhaps tomorrow, if not today.”

Michele Jennae

Do You think that Strong willpower, courage, and motivation are wonderful keys to successful life…?


Do you think all successful people have strong willpower…?

When we Look at the galaxy of successful people and peak performers we notice one thing common among them and that is all of them have strong willpower and determination. According to the latest research in psychology and modern behavior science, great willpower is fundamental, indispensable, and essential in life to achieve greater success and long-term vision. Most of the time people leave up their dreams and goals because of weak and soft willpower. In today’s article, I would like to discuss and highlights some of the important and transformational keys to have strong willpower in life.

The dictionary meaning of “will power” is your ability to fulfil your small-term and long-term goals, dreams, wishes, and projects. Strong and focussed willpower is essential in all spheres and dimensions of life in this beautiful journey call life. It may be your professional, professional, social, spiritual life, etc., where you need to go ahead.

It is rightly said that exemplify yourself rather than preaching to others. Great Saint, sages Philosophers, and successful people have rightly said “Practice what you Preach”. This is what I today want to share with you. Dear friend this is my fourth year in Professional blogging, till now  I have written more than 300 articles and posts. You know what I mean to say…! It is only possible through strong determination, dedication, and willpower. With this context to set an example today, I would like to share some of the tips that I am trying in my life to have strong willpower. Let’s Start!

“Sometimes I feel alone. Some days are long and hard. But when I look out into this world, I am struck by the impossible beauty of it all. Those billions of magnificent accidents that led us to where we are today, that led us to paper planes and nautilus shells and the tiny, crooked smiles of children. When I think about the small perfections of the world, I have faith that my time will come. I have faith that someday, a warm light will flood over me and I will find peace.”

-Avery Monsen

 They are

1. Self-discipline and self-control – It is a set of rules and regulations designed by yourself to excel in life. It includes your fixed daily routine activities and tasks e.g. To get up in the morning at a particular time, devoting some time to your health, reading books, meditation, and reaching bed at a particular time and any other activity decided as per your convenience. Why I have mentioned about this? Because mastery over routine and daily activities leads to expertise over bigger task and goals.(You may also like Regarding Self Control in Journey of Life.)

2.  Begins the project or task with confidence.

3. You must have crystal clear clarity about your visions and goals in life. I mean to say you should know “What you want to achieve in life”.(You may also like Importance of Goal and Motivation in life – The secret key to success)

4. Time Management-Experts have rightly said that

 “Time is like money, should not be wasted.

Time is like river and never waits for anyone.

Time is killer and time is the biggest healer.

Time should not be wasted but 

one should know how wisely it can be invested.”

(You may also like Value of time – lessons through time management)

“If you know, let others light their candles in it “


5. Energy management- As it is rightly said by many renowned Experts in the mind-body intervention field “Where intention goes energy flows”. Even the law of energy conservation states that ” Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but it can be transformed from one form to another”. So try to channelize your 100 energy in right and appropriate direction.

6. Finish the smaller task or short projects which you have undertaken. If possible finish this assignment and endeavours before schedule time and more than your expectations. Also, give some extra efforts.

(You may also like Nine Tips for Professional Excellence)

7. Reward yourself after achieving and gaining any short-term or long term task and success.

8. Regular practice of meditation and deep breathing would be of great help to increase your self-awareness and focus in day-to-day life. This activity in long run enhance your self-confidence, self-awareness and will power.(You may also like FROM MEDITATION TO INSPIRATION –A WAY OF LIFE)

9. You can share your goals and visions with your close friends and relatives. They act as regular and periodic reminders and boosters. Last but not least Visualization, Affirmations Positive thinking and optimistic attitude in life would be of great help.(You may also like Role of Mentor in achieving Goal of life.)

“One is never born great. It is the willpower and action, that make one Great”.


So this is all about will power. May I know what are your strategies to have strong will power in life?

Dr. Prakash ❤✍


1.The power of subconscious mind

2.Seven habits of highly effective people.

3.The monk who sold his Ferrari

I hope you have gain some clarity on the subject. Thank you for reading the post and sparing your precious time. Please don’t forget to like the post and comment. You can also share the post in other what’s app groups, Facebook, twitter, Instagram and other social networking sites.

Thank you and Have a nice day.

Dr Prakash 

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Published by Dr. Prakash ✍

"Once you realize that all life experiences are meant for the evolution of your consciousness, then all the ups and downs of life can be seen as blessings." - Unknown Hi, I am Dr Prakash, Researcher/Mentor/Doctor/Medical Teacher/Professional writer/ Public health expert and Presently working as faculty at B.J. Medical college, civil hospital, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India as a lecturer in Public health. (Ex. Assistant Professor, Government medical college, Surat.Ex.Insurance medical officer, Halol.Ex.Medical officer, PHC vadgam, Cambay. Dear friends, a warm welcome to my blogging site. My write up, article, case studies, thoughts of the day, Personel and Professional experience blends of Inspiration, Motivation, Education, self-help, philosophy, spirituality, Human Resource Management and Behaviour science with the insight of the eastern world of wisdom with latest updates from western science. You are invited to have a look at my various articles and post. THANK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY. Dr Prakash ❤️

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